Events, presentations, tutorials, classes, workshops



on demand:
in your country
or in your company
Workshop: Quality on Time - Delivering the Right Results at the Right Time
Example material: see workshop-handouts below (China, NL, SDM-Japan, AgileByExample, BCS)
Other examples of training: Evolutionary Project Management, Requirements & Design, Review & Inspection, Zero Defects, Project Estimation & Planning, Test Process Planning, Portfolio Management, Reliable Embedded Systems.
Zürich, CH
Course: Quality on Time (pdf, 112 kb)
29 Oct
Webinar: How to deliver Quality on Time Delivering the Right Result at the Right Time
Register: tbd
6 Sep
SQM XXXI, BCS International Free Online Conference
Presentation: Recognizing and accepting Human Behaviour can help us to do a better job (pdf, 817 kb) - >>>video<<<
18 June
Webinar: How to deliver Quality on Time - Delivering the Right Result at the Right Time (pdf, 1382 kb)
Video: here


4 May
Presentation: Examples of how to move towards Zero Defects (pdf, 1353 kb)


6 November
Webinar: Reviews and Inspections used in various ways (pdf, 564 kb) - >>>video<<<
24-27 Oct
Vilnius, LT
TestCon Vilnius 2023
24 Oct: Workshop: Quality On Time How to deliver the right results at the right time, no excuses needed (pdf, 2785 kb)
27 Oct: Final keynote: If human behaviour is badly affecting our work, can we do something about it ? (pdf, 496 kb)
24th GilbFest 27-29 June
Seminar on 'Simplicity' - Admission by invitation only.
Seminar Secretary
22 June
SQM XXX, BCS International Free Online Conference Click on the link to see a video of my keynote.
Keynote: How to deliver Quality On Time The right results at the right time, no excuses needed (pdf, 72 kb)
Keynote (presentation): How to deliver Quality On Time The right results at the right time, no excuses needed (pdf, 1875 kb)
16-18 May
The first independent systems thinking summit   -   7-10 pm New York time
Panel: Systems Thinking - Does the theory meet the practice?
6 Apr
Podcast with Denis Čahuk: >>>video<<<
29 Mar
Oak Cafe discussion: How to be on time (with system development projects) (pdf, 1412 kb)
15 Mar
TechExcellence Meetup
Webinar: Help! We have a QA problem! (pdf, 1049 kb) - >>>video<<<
6-7 Mar
Zürich, CH
Course: Quality on Time (pdf, 110 kb)
16 Feb
Webinar: Quality on Time (pdf, 1242 kb)
30 Jan
Webinar: If human behaviour is badly affecting our work, can we do something about it? (pdf, 452 kb) - >>>video<<<


26 July
Meetup Agile Northans: Help! We have a QA Problem!
Webinar: Help! We have a QA problem! (pdf, 602 kb) - >>>video<<<
23rd GilbFest 28-30 June
Seminar on 'Success and preventing Failure' - Admission by invitation only.
Seminar Secretary
Presentation: Failure is not an option (pdf, 844 kb)
27 June
Webinar: How to move towards Zero Defects (pdf, 749 kb) - >>>video<<<
23 May
Webinar: Quality on Time - Delivering the Right Results at the Right Time (pdf, 59 kb) - >>>video<<<
24-25 Mar
Zürich, CH
Course: Quality on Time - Delivering the Right Result at the Right Time (pdf, 109 kb)
17 Feb
Webinar: The Evolutionary Approach for continuous improvement of what we do (pdf, 518 kb)


17 Nov
Zürich, CH
SE Training Courses
Course: Improving the Result of Reviews and Inspections (description)
15-16 Nov
Zürich, CH
SE Training Courses
Course: Quality On Time - Delivering the Right Result at the Right Time (description)
22nd GilbFest 21-25 June
London or Online
Seminar on 'Education' - Admission by invitation only.
Seminar Secretary
20 May
20:30-21:30 CET
SE Training FREE webinar
Webinar: Quality on Time - How Space Engineers Learned to Meet all Deadlines (pdf, 525 kb)
16 Jun
SE Training Courses
Course: Improving the Result of Reviews and Inspections (description)
14-15 Jun
SE Training Courses
Course: Quality On Time - Delivering the Right Result at the Right Time (description)


25 Nov
Zürich, CH
SE Training Courses
Course: Improving the Result of Reviews and Inspections (description)
23-24 Nov
Zürich, CH
SE Training Courses
Course: Quality On Time - Delivering the Right Result at the Right Time (description)
15-17 Sep
TestCon Moscow 2020
Workshop: How to Improve the Result of Reviews and Inspections (pdf, 2840 kb)
Keynote: Help! We have a QA Problem! (pdf, 672 kb)
27 Aug
20:30-21:30 CET
SE Training FREE webinar
Webinar: Quality On Time - How Systems Engineers Learned to Meet ‘Impossible’ Deadlines (register/description)
21th GilbFest 22-24 June
Seminar on 'Design' - Admission by invitation only.
Seminar Secretary
20-21 Mar
SQAdaysEU 2020
Session: No Questions - No Issues. Period!


15-16 Nov
Minsk, Belarus
Presentation: Recognizing and understanding Human Behaviour helps QA to do a better job (pdf, 503 kb)
15-17 Oct
Vilnius, LT
TestCon Vilnius 2019
Presentation: Help! We have a QA Problem! (pdf, 708 kb) >>> video <<<
10-11 Oct
Utrecht, NL
Participating: PM-SE Integration, System of Systems, Reliability Engineering (presentation), Simulation
20th GilbFest 24-28 June
Seminar on 'Qualities' - Admission by invitation only.
Seminar Secretary
5 June
Zürich, CH
SE Training Courses
Course: Improving the Result of Reviews and Inspections (description)
3-4 June
Zürich, CH
SE Training Courses
Course: Quality On Time - Delivering the Right Result at the Right Time (description)
Alles Ausser Scrum 5 April
Köln, Germany
Alles Ausser Scrum Unconference
Presentation: Evo Principles (pdf, 873 kb)
Presentation: Human Behaviour (pdf, 388 kb)
Presentation: Examples how to move towards Zero Defects (pdf, 783 kb) - video: See below at: TestCon, Vilnius, Oct 2018
22-23 March
Riga, Latvia
Session: Help! We have a QA problem! <<< Conference Best Presentation
Presentation: Help! We have a QA Problem! (pdf, 775 kb)
Booklet "Help! We have a QA Problem!", see Booklet#8 on the downloads page.
>>> video: Original English version and With Russian translation
13 March
Zürich, CH
SE Training Courses
Course: Improving the Result of Reviews and Inspections (description)
11-12 March
Zürich, CH
SE Training Courses
Course: Quality On Time - Delivering the Right Result at the Right Time (description)


29-31 Oct
Budapest, HU
HUSTEF 2018 Budapest
Session: Help! We have a QA Problem! (pdf, 507 kb) >>> video <<<
16-18 Oct
Vilnius, LT
TestCon Vilnius 2018
Keynote: Examples how to move towards Zero Defects (pdf, 910 kb) >>> video <<<
19th GilbFest 25-29 June
Seminar on 'Management' - Admission by invitation only.
Seminar Secretary
9 Oct
Ebikon, CH
Inspection Course - In House
Course: Improving the effectiveness of Reviews and inspections (pdf, 4161 kb)
21 Jun
Baden, CH
Inspection Course - In House
Course: Improving the effectiveness of Reviews and inspections (pdf, 4091 kb)
8 Jun
Zürich, CH
SE Training Courses
Course: Improving the Result of Reviews and Inspections (description)
6-7 Jun
Zürich, CH
SE Training Courses
Course: Quality On Time - Delivering the Right Result at the Right Time (description)


8 Sep
Zürich, CH
SE Training Courses
Course: Improving the Result of Reviews and Inspections
6-7 Sep
Zürich, CH
SE Training Courses
Course: Quality On Time
4 Sep
Zürich, CH
Swiss Systems Engineering Day
Presentation: How Systems Engineers learnt to meet all deadlines (pdf, 1403 kb)
18th GilbFest 26-30 June
Seminar on 'Stakeholder Value: Project Success' - Admission by invitation only.
Seminar Secretary
24-25 April
Gdansk, Poland
New Trends in Project Management 2017
Session: How Systems Engineers learnt to meet all deadlines (pdf, 1090 kb)


5-6 Dec
Workshop: Planning for Quality Delivery - Producing even more business value in less time (pdf, 5434 kb)
BCS Members: free. Others: only £40 - Book online (first come first served)
24-26 Nov
Minsk, Belarus
SQA Days - International Conference of Software Quality Assurance
Session: Inspection used in various ways (pdf, 1360 kb), >>> presentation video<<< (русский перевод - Russian translated)
Session: How to move towards Zero Defects (pdf, 2071 kb), >>> presentation video<<< (русский перевод - Russian translated)
15 Nov
Testing Showcase Amsterdam
Presentation: How can QA help creating Zero Defects Software? (pdf, 2084 kb)
10-12 Oct
Warsaw, Poland
Agile By Example 2016
Workshop (dojo): Evolutionary Planning - Producing even more in less time (pdf, 2680 kb)
Reserve session: Inspection used in various ways (pdf, 1325 kb)
Avavailable for AskTheExpert and CoachingCorner sessions during the conference
Avavailable for on-site coaching sessions Thursday/Friday after the conference. Contact me if you're interested
5 Oct
Utrecht NL
Seminar "Elektronica Productie Proces, design bepaalt TCO"
Presentation (mostly in Dutch): Hoe goed is uw design? (pdf, 684 kb)
18-21 July
INCOSE International Symposium
17th GilbFest 2016 20-24 June
Seminar on Simplicity - Admission by invitation only.
Seminar Secretary.
Presentation: Simplicity by Design (pdf, 470 kb)
8-9 June
Madrid, Spain
Session: Inspection Used In Various Ways (pdf, 2004 kb)
30 May-2 June
Gdansk, Poland
Workshop: Evo Planning - how to produce even more business value in less time (pdf, 1984 kb)
Lightning Talk: What's wrong with Demos? (pdf, 52 kb)
25-26 April
Gdynia, Poland
New Trends in Project Management 2016
Abstract: How to deliver Quality On Time - The right results at the right time, no excuses needed (pdf, 50 kb)
25 April: Session: Quality On Time - How to deliver the right results at the right time, no excuses needed (pdf, 884 kb)
26 April: Workshop: Quality On Time - How to deliver the right results at the right time, no excuses needed (pdf, 1908 kb)
3 Feb
Workshop: Voorspelbare Projecten - Hoe realiseer je het juiste resultaat op het juiste moment (pdf, 3311 kb)
Probably in Dutch!
Aankondiging: Voorspelbare Projecten - Hoe realiseer je het juiste resultaat op het juiste moment (pdf, 93 kb)
18-19 Jan
Workshop: Quality On Time - How to deliver the right results at the right time, no excuses needed (pdf, 4884 kb)
BCS Members: free. Others: only £40. Book Online
Description: Workshop "Quality On Time" (pdf, 94 kb)


28-30 Sept
Warsaw, Poland
Agile By Example 2015
Workshop (dojo): Evolutionary Planning - Producing even more in less time (pdf, 2823 kb)
Session: Evolutionary Planning - Producing even more in less time (pdf, 553 kb)
Lightning talk: What's wrong with demos? (pdf, 81 kb)
Session: How to move towards Zero Defects (pdf, 2622 kb), >>> presentation video <<<
Avavailable for AskTheExpert sessions during the conference
11 Sept
Course by Tom Gilb: Architecture Engineering: with emphasis on Quality
Guest Lecture: What has an Architect to do with planning? (pdf, 2376 kb)
9-10 Sept
Course by Tom Gilb: Value Requirements: with emphasis on Quality
Guest Lecture: How to get the message across (pdf, 1835 kb)
16th GilbFest 2015 22-26 June
Seminar on Innovation
Seminar Secretary. Admission by invitation only. If you think you can contribute to a highly knowledgeable group, get yourself invited!
10-11 June
Session: How to move towards Zero Defects (pdf, 1687 kb)
18-21 May
Belgium Testing Days
Session: No Questions - No Issues. Period! (pdf, 837 kb)
28-29 April
Test Management Summit
Half Day Workshop: Improving the effectiveness of Reviews and Inspections (pdf, 1613 kb)
9 April
Course by Tom Gilb: Lean Quality Assurance
Guest Lecture: Inspection used in various ways (pdf, 470 kb)
7-8 April
Course by Tom Gilb: Value-Driven Project Management
Guest Lecture: Predictable Projects - Using Evolutionary Project Management to get the Right Results at the Right Time (pdf, 657 kb)
30-31 March
Course by Tom Gilb: Value Requirements Engineering
Guest Lecture: How to get the message across (pdf, 643 kb) or Guest Lecture: How to move towards Zero Defects (pdf, 537 kb). Tell me which you'd prefer!
28 Jan
Test Management Forum
Presentation: How to move towards Zero Defects (pdf, 1489 kb)


27-30 October
Cape Town
EMEASEC: EMEA Systems Engineering Conference
Tutorial: If space systems engineers could learn how to meet any deadline, couldn't you too? (pdf, 2333 kb)
15th GilbFest 2014 23-27 June
Seminar on Requirements
Seminar Secretary. Admission by invitation only. If you think you can contribute to a highly knowledgeable group, get yourself invited!


14 November
Agile Methods in the Finance Sector and Complex Environments
Presentation: Delivering the Right Result at the Right Time – no excuses needed
28-31 October
Agile Testing Days 2013
Workshop: Predictable Projects - Delivering the Right Things at the Right Time (pdf, 1005 kb)
24-25-26-27 Sept
Keio University, Graduate School of System Design and Management:
Lectures: Predictable Projects - Delivering the Right Results at the Right Time (pdf, 3482 kb)
8-11 Sept
APCOSEC 2013 - Predict the unpredictable to change the unchangeable
Presentation: How Systems Engineers learnt to meet all deadlines
GilbFest 2013 24-28 June
Seminar on Management Methods
Seminar Secretary. Admission by invitation only. If you think you can contribute to a highly knowledgeable group, get yourself invited!
6 June
Deventer NL
SE Light/Medium/Heavy?
Presentation: Hoezo SE light? (pdf, 286 kb)
24-25 May
LeanQA by Tom Gilb
Niels Malotaux Guest lecture: Inspection used in various ways (pdf, 409 kb)
23 May
Next Generation Testing Conference (Spring) 2013
This conference provides a new-style forum in which to share your experiences and concerns with your peers and acquire fresh ideas and solutions.
20-21 May
LeanQA by Tom Gilb
Niels Malotaux Guest lecture: Inspection used in various ways (pdf, 409 kb)
15-17 April
Advanced IT Project Management by Tom Gilb
Niels Malotaux Guest lecture: Predictable Projects - Using Evolutionary Project Management to get the Right Results at the Right Time (pdf, 569 kb)
4-7 March
Retrospectives on Agile – Forward Reasoning
Presentation: Retrospectives are good - Prespectives are better (pdf, 521 kb)
11-12 Feb
Project and System Level Requirements Specification by Tom Gilb
Niels Malotaux Guest lecture: How to get the message across (pdf, 717 kb)
6 Feb
Test Management Summit
Niels Malotaux Introduction: Who is the Customer of Testing? (pdf, 399 kb)


19-22 November
Agile Testing Days 2012
Presentation: Testers are Bearers of Good News (pdf, 504 kb)
15 Nov
Application Lifecycle Management (ALM) Forum - Chairman
Presentation: ALM: How to Better Manage our Applications During their Lifecycle (pdf, 480 kb)
9-12 July
INCOSE International Symposium - Host committee member
Gilb-London 2012 25-29 June
Seminar on PRINCIPLES - Principles, Proverbs, Practices, Paradigms and Patterns
Seminar Secretary (admission by invitation only). We're full! Try next year!
23 May, London Next Generation Testing Conference (Spring) 2012
This conference provides a new-style forum in which to share your experiences and concerns with your peers and acquire fresh ideas and solutions. Panel 3: All about Agile - Moderator: Niels Malotaux
12-14 March
Belgium Testing Days
Presentation: Quality Comes Not From Testing, but from improving the development process (pdf, 542 kb)
30 Jan
Den Haag
Agile Overheid OpenSpace
Presentation: Evolutionary Project Planning (pdf, 712 kb)
19 Jan, London Application Lifecycle Management (ALM) Forum - Chairman
Presentation: ALM - How to better Manage our Applications during their Lifecycle (pdf, 525 kb)


19-21 October
Seoul, Korea
APCOSE 2011 - Asia Pacific Systems Engineering Conference
1. How can Systems Engineers deliver better results in shorter time and why should they?
2. Predictable Projects
3. What’s the Essence of Lean for Systems Engineers?

Panel: Systems Engineering in IT Software-Intensive Systems
11-14 October
Keio University, Graduate School of System Design and Management:
Lectures: Predictable Projects - How to get the Right Results at the Right Time
Gilb-London 2011 20-24 June
Seminar on Solution Engineering, (admission by invitation only) - Seminar Secretary
18-19 May
Next Generation Testing Conference - Spring 2011
Presentation: Testers are Bearers of Good News (pdf, 537 kb)
8-10 March,
Herzliya, Israel
Incose Israel Systems Engineering Conference
Tutorial: How Proactive Systems Engineers can Realize Predictable Projects (pdf, 1743 kb)
20 Jan, London Application Lifecycle Management (ALM) Forum - Chairman
Presentation: What is the essence of being Lean and Agile? (pdf, 760 kb)


13+14 Beijing
16+17 Shanghai
China Institute for Innovation
2 day workshop: Predictable Projects - Delivering the Right Result at the Right Time (pdf, 4535 kb)
27 November
Workshop: Predictable Projects (pdf, 2558 kb)
23 November
IncoseSE: Seminar on Lean and Agile Systems Engineering
Presentation: Practical Approaches for Becoming Lean and Agile (pdf, 2475 kb)
16-18 November
Madrid, Spain
Tutorial: How to Improve the Result of Reviews and Inspections (pdf, 8865 kb)
Presentation: Help! We have a QA Problem! (pdf, 385 kb)   <<< Delegates Award: Best Presentation
12-15 October
Keio University, Graduate School of System Design and Management:
12 Oct: Lecture: Evo University Course (pdf, 2013 kb)
13-15 Oct: Fast course on: Predictable Projects - Delivering the Right Result at the Right Time (pdf, 4307 kb)
4-6 October
Keelung, Taiwan
APCOSE 2010 - Asia Pacific Systems Engineering Conference
Presentation: How Systems Engineers can Save Time and Achieve More (pdf, 663 kb)
21 September
KVIV - Technologisch Instituut
Presentation: Help! We have a QA Problem!
12-15 July
INCOSE International Symposium
Panel: Lean SE: Who Can Afford to Ignore it?
Gilb-London 2010 21-25 June
Seminar on Value Delivery,  (admission by invitation only) - Seminar Secretary
7-11 June
Keio University, Graduate School of System Design and Management
Lecture (first day): Reliable Embedded Systems (pdf, 2151 kb)
23-26 May
EuSEC- European Systems Engineering Conference - Conference co-chair
Tutorial (23 May): Predictable Projects - Delivering the Right Result at the Right Time (pdf, 2596 kb)
19-20 May
Unicom: Next Generation Testing Conference (Spring 2010) - Meeting New Challenges
Presentation: Optimizing the Contribution of Testing to Project Success (pdf, 301 kb)
27 April
Unicom: Business Tranformation through Agile
Presentation: Predicting the Results of Agile Projects, even when Outsourcing (pdf, 537 kb)
21 April
Bussum, NL
Dutch Testing Conference
Presentation: Optimizing the Contribution of Testing to Project Success (pdf, 369 kb)
15 April
: Evolutionary Approach for Systems Engineering
22-25 Feb
Keio University, Graduate School of System Design and Management:
Fast course (13 x 90 min) on: Predictable Projects - Delivering the Right Result at the Right Time (pdf, 4623 kb)
1-2 Feb
Workshop: Slash Project Time with Evolutionary Methods
Available for Project Coaching
in Shanghai: 3-4-5 February.


30 Nov - 3 Dec
EuroSTAR conference
Presentation: Help! We have a QA Problem! (pdf, 233 kb)
SkillsMatter 6 Nov
SkillsMatter - In the Brain of Niels Malotaux:
Evolutionary Project Planning - How to Get and Keep your Project on Time (pdf, 1145 kb)
See a >>> video recording <<< of this presentation
4-5 Nov
Next Generation Testing Conference - Autumn 2009: Meeting New Challenges
: Help! We have a QA Problem! (pdf, 233 kb)
20 Oct
Orsay, France
AFIS (INCOSE French Chapter): Lean experiences - 20 Oct, Orsay, France
Evo - Lean from the start
14-15 Oct
UKSMA Conference 2009
15 Oct: Presentation: Just Enough Estimation
16 Oct: Tutorial: Predictable Projects - Getting and Keeping Projects under Control
INCOSE Swedish Chapter 28 Sep
INCOSE Swedish Chapter meeting
: Evo Planning or How to Achieve the Most Important Requirement (pdf, 376 kb)
16-18 Sep
: Help! We have a QA Problem! (pdf, 233 kb)
19-23 July Singapore INCOSE International Symposium "East Meets West - The Human Dimension to Systems Engineering"
Tutorial: Evolutionary Project Planning - How Systems Engineers can contribute to getting and keeping the project on time (pdf, 2680 kb)
Panel: System Engineering Management Plan (SEMP) - Does One Size Fit All? (pdf, 217 kb)
Presentation: How to Achieve the Most Important Requirement
see also Booklet 5: TimeLine: Getting and Keeping Control over your Project (pdf, 344 kb)
Gilb-London 2009 22-26 June
Seminar on "Culture Change" (admission by invitation only) - Seminar Secretary
If you know a lot about handling Culture Change, get yourself invited.
18 June
Hoofddorp, Netherlands
INTEGRATING AGILE Conference (English language)
Presentation: The Result is all that Counts
11 June
Nicosia, Cyprus
IMH - Project Management Conference,
: Getting and Keeping Projects under Control
19 May
Projectmanagement Parade  (Dutch language)
: Herkennen en Erkennen van Menselijk Gedrag als Noodzakelijke Voorwaarde voor Project Succes (Recognizing and Acknowledging Human Behaviour as an Essential Condition for Project Success)
12 May
Amersfoort, NL
IPMA - Regio Midden Nld, (Dutch language)
Voorspelbare Projecten - Hoe garandeer je het juiste resultaat op het juiste moment
22-25 April
Accu Conference
Presentation: Controlling Risk By Design (pdf, 1120 kb)
19 Feb
Software Measurement and Improvement Forum
Effective Estimating: This SMIF looks at the impact of estimating on project performance.
How does your approach to estimating affect the delivery of value from software projects?
Presentation: Getting and Keeping your Project under Control (pdf, 946 kb)


Organized by InnoDecision, 24-25 November, Shanghai, China.
Workshop: Slash Project Time with Evolutionary Methods
Available for Project Coaching in Shanghai: 26-27-28 November.
IPMA World Congress, 9-11 November, Roma, Italy
Paper and Panel: TimeLine: Getting and Keeping Projects under Control
APCOSE2008: Asia-Pacific Systems Engineering Conference, 22-23 September, Yokohama, Japan
Presentation: Recognizing and Understanding Human Behavior to Improve Systems Engineering Results (pdf, 184 kb)
Booklet 6: Recognizing and Understanding Human Behavior to Improve Systems Engineering Results (pdf, 342 kb)
26 september 2008: In-house training at a client in Kyoto, Japan
6th Annual INCOSE SA Conference, 12-14 August, Pretoria, South Africa
Tutorial: Slash Project Time with Evolutionary Methods
Keynote: Time: The Lost Requirement?
Gilb-London 2008 Seminar on "Risk and Uncertainty", 23-27 June, London (admission on invitation only) - Seminar Secretary
If you know a lot about handling Risk and Uncertainty, get yourself invited.
International INCOSE Symposium, 15-19 June, Utrecht, Netherlands
Member of Organizing Committee, organizing the Tool Vendor Challenge (TVC)
SEPG-Europe, 10-13 June, Munich, Germany
Poster presentation: TimeLine: Getting and Keeping Control over your Project (pdf, 545 kb)
ICT kring Delft, 20 en 27 mei, Delft, Nederland.
Leergang Succesvol Plannen van Softwareprojecten (in Dutch)
Projecten zijn voortaan gewoon op tijd klaar
2x dinsdagmiddag/avond 13:30 - 20:30.
Software Practice Advancement 2008, 16-19 March, Bedfordshire, UK
Tutorial: And you thought you could estimate? (pdf, 748 kb)
INCOSE International Workshop, 2-29 January, Albuquerque NM, USA


Key Steps to Successful Programme and Project Management, 20 -21 November, London, UK
Lecture: Meeting Project Deadlines, while Delivering Better Results
In house Review/Inspection Workshop, 22-23 October, Sibiu, Romania
PNSQC2007, 8-10 October, Portland-OR, USA
Paper: TimeLine: - getting and keeping control over your project
SPIN presentation: And you thought you could estimate?
Business Performance Management: A Strategic Perspective, 25-26 September, London, UK
Lecture: How to Get and Keep Control over your Projects
SD Best Practices, 18-21 September, Boston, USA
Tutorial: Optimally Organizing Software Development Activities for Project Success (Sep 18)
Class: TimeLine - Keeping Control of Your Individual Work and Your Project (Sep 19)
Booklet 5: TimeLine: Getting and Keeping Control over your Project (pdf, 344 kb)
Gilb-London 2007 Seminar on "Smart Decisions", 2-6 July, London (admission on invitation only) - Seminar Secretary
International Incose Symposium, 25-29 June, San Diego-CA, USA
Presentation: Controlling Project Risk by Design
Tutorial (reserve): Optimally Organizing System Engineering Activities for Project Success
ESEPG, 11-14 June, Amsterdam, Netherlands
12 June: Workshop: Optimally organizing software development activities with evolutionary methods
Project Management Parade, 8 May, Nieuwegein, Netherlands, in Dutch
Workshop: En U dacht dat U kon schatten? Evolutionaire project planning: Agile, maar toch op tijd!
4th annual conference on Innovations in Systems Engineering, 20-21 March, Israel
Presentation: Controlling Project Risk by Design
Tutorial: Optimally Organizing System Engineering Activities for Project Success


Keio University,
Tokyo, Japan
COE International Workshop
Workshop: Life-Based Approach for Safety and Security of Large Complex Systems
17 November, Tokyo, Japan
Lecture: How Human Behavior Affects Safety & Security, and What We Can Do About it
SPIder conferentie, 3 October, Zeist, Netherlands

Presentatie: De Evolutionaire Project Aanpak Garandeert Project Succes (in Dutch)

Conquest2006, 27-29 September, Berlin, Germany
Tutorial: Project Success is not really difficult
Paper: Optimizing the Contribution of Testing to Project Success
Booklet 3: Optimizing the Contribution of Testing to Project Success (pdf, 295 kb)
European Systems Engineering Conference 2006, 18-20 September, Edinburgh, UK
Tutorial: Project Success is not really difficult
Panel: How to prepare papers for acceptance
Poster presentation: Controlling Project Risk by Design
Booklet 4: Controlling Project Risk by Design (pdf, 586 kb)
SD Best Practices, 11-14 September, Boston, USA
Tutorial: Slash Project Time with Evolutionary Methods: 11 Sep
Short class: Project Success - Every Time: 12 Sep
Panel: Selecting a Development Process: 14 Sep
Incose Symposium, 9-13 July, Orlando-FL, USA

Quality Assurance Paper:
Booklet 3a: Optimizing Quality Assurance for Better Results (pdf, 197 kb)

ESPI European SEPG Conference, 12-15 June, Amsterdam, Netherlands

Tutorial: Slash Project Time with Evolutionary Methods, 12 June, 9:30-12:50

OGI, Beaverton-OR, USA, 11 May
9:00-17:00 - Evo Workshop: Slash Project Time with Evolutionary Methods
18:00-20:00 - Presentation: Controlling Project Risk by Design (pdf, 941 kb)
Booklet 4: Controlling Project Risk by Design (pdf, 586 kb)
Hillsboro area, OR-USA
May 7 - 12: Available for Tutorials, Workshops, Coaching of projects and individuals
Contact me for details. Note: May 8, 9, 11 and 12 are already booked.
PSQT - Practical Software Quality and Testing Conference, 1-2 May, Las Vegas-NV, USA
Booklet 3: Optimizing the Contribution of Testing to Project Success (pdf, 295 kb)
Incose Israel: 3 April
Evo workshop


VVSS2005: 2nd European Symposium on Verification and Validation of Software Systems and Testing, 24 November, Eindhoven, Nederland
Presentation: Optimizing the Contribution of Testing to Project Success (pdf, 232 kb)
Booklet 3: Optimizing the Contribution of Testing to Project Success (pdf, 295 kb)
KIvI-NIRIA, 12 november, 10:00 - 17:00
Project Management voor Gevorderden, Enschede, Nederland
PNSQC, 10-12 October, Portland-OR, USA
Evo Panel
Workshop: Slash Project Time with Evolutionary Methods (pdf, 964 kb)
Evo Test Paper: Optimizing the Contribution of Testing to Project Success (pdf, 295 kb)
Incose Risk Management User Forum, 6-7 October, Bremen, Germany
Organized by GfSE, Incose Netherlands and Incose Turkey.
Abstract: Controlling Risk by Design (pdf, 23 kb)
Presentation: Controlling Risk by Design (pdf, 1069 kb)
Software Development Best Practices, Sep, Boston, USA
Tutorial: Slash Project Time with Evolutionary Methods (pdf, 1072 kb)
Class: Why are you testing anyway? (pdf, 367 kb)
Class: Routinely Assuring Project Success - You can do it too (pdf, 399 kb)
Incose Symposium, 10-15 July, Rochester-NY, USA
Presentation: How to Routinely Assure Project Success
Workshop: Slash Project Time with Evolutionary Methods


  IMEC, Nov 2004, Leuven, Belgium: Evo workshop.
DASC Digital Avionics Systems Conference, Oct 2004, Salt Lake City, USA
Evo workshop and lecture
OGI, Beaverton OR, USA, Oct 2004
Evo workshop
PNSQC, Portland, USA, Oct 2004

Evo lecture

Software Development Best Practices, Sep 2004, Boston, USA

Evo class

Incose2004 Symposium, June 2004, Toulouse, France

Evo workshop


Asia SEPG, Hyderabad, India
Evo workshop and lecture
Incose IS 2003 Incose International Symposium 2003, Crystal City (Washington DC), US


Progress Progress Workshop, Oct 2002, Jaarbeurs, Utrecht, Netherlands
Progress: PROGram for Research on Embedded Systems & Software.
Booklet 1: Evolutionary Project Management Methods (pdf, 395 kb) originated from the paper for this workshop.
  NATO Symposium on Evolutionary Development, Sept 2002, Bonn, Germany
Evo paper
  Philips Software Conference, June 2002, Veldhoven, Netherlands.
Presentation: Evolutionary Development Methods (Evo) (pdf, 410 kb)
EuSEC2002: European Systems Engineering Conference
May 2002, Toulouse, France.
Software Developers Conference NZ&Australia
March 2002, Wellington, New-Zealand and Melbourne, Australia
Presentation and Tutorial
D&E Event 2002 D&E Event 2002, Oct 2002, Eindhoven, Netherlands.
Organized by: FHI, Amersfoort.
Lecture: Your projects never late by applying Evo